



This is more a question regarding generics than subsonic:

Imagine if have the following code:

    List<int> result = 

That works great and returns a generic list with the ids from my Product table.

But if I want to get a list of the ProductName:

    List<String> result = 

it throws a compiler message (translated from german):

"string" has to be a non-abstract type with a public Constructor without parameter, in order to be used as a generic type or in the generic method "SubSonic.SqlQuery.ExecuteTypedList()" as param "T".

cause: String has no empty contructor:

int i = new int;       // works
String s = new String; // compiler error: "string" does not contain a constructor that takes '0' argument

If I use a List<Object> instead it works, but is there a more elegant way, where I can use List<String> ?

Update: List<Object> does not work. I indeed get a list of objects but that seem to be "empty" object that doesn't contain my ProductNames ( object.ToString() returns {Object} )


Well, I can think of this, but it is hardly more elegant:

This wouldn't work. It would try to match up the resulting columns with properties on StringBuilder.
John Sheehan

It doesn't look like SubSonic has proper support for ExecuteTypedList with string values. The method that builds the list first looks for a SubSonic type and if there's no match checks to see if T is a value type. Since string isn't a value type it falls through to the last condition which tries to match property names to the column names returned. Since string doesn't have a property name that you can assign, it fails.

See: BuildTypedResult method:

John Sheehan
That's true, but as mentioned above, the main problem is that String has no constructor with 0 arguments, so I even cannot compile my assembly with the above code.I thought maybe there would be a way to tell the generic method that it should take another contructor instead.Something like (I know that doesen't work):.ExecutTypedList<String, where String = new String("")>();I think I will create a ExecuteTypedStringList() Method to Subsonic.
+3  A: 

With a little bit dotnet magic it is possible without patching the subsonic code.

  1. Create a new class SubsonicSqlQueryExtensionMethods and drop this code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using SubSonic;
    namespace MyUtil.ExtensionMethods
        public static class SubSonicSqlQueryExtensionMethods
            public static List<String> ExecuteTypedList(this SqlQuery qry)
                List<String> list = new List<String>();
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in qry.ExecuteDataSet().Tables[0].Rows)
                return list;

Now add a reference to MyUtil.ExtensionMethods to your class:

    using MyUtil.ExtensionMethods;

And finally this works:

    List<String> result = DB.Select(User.Columns.Name).From<User>().ExecuteTypedList();

Please note that the above extension method overloads the ExecuteTypedList() method with no type-argument (unfortunately this snippet requires dotnet 3.5, but for me it works)


I know I am late to this party but I found a neat way of 'tricking' this problem.

    List<String> result = 
    .ExecuteTypedList<String>().Select(p => p.ProductName).ToList<String>();

This works like a charm for me.

Hope is helps someone somewhere, As I am sure you are far past the issue.

Jeff Pryciak
That won't work for subsonic 2 since the generic `ExecuteTypedList<T>` method has a `new` constraint, which requires every generic parameter to have an empty constructor (which string hasn't). You probably meant `ExecuteTypedList<Product>()` in your example.