




I'm trying to use the following c# code to detect the attached/removed event of usb mass storage devices. I'm using the Win32_VolumeChangeEvent.

// Initialize an event watcher and subscribe to events that match this query            
var _watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher("select * from Win32_VolumeChangeEvent");
_watcher.EventArrived += OnDeviceChanged;

void OnDeviceChanged(object sender, EventArrivedEventArgs args)

The problem is that this works fine on Vista but it doesn't work on XP at all (no events received). The Microsoft documentation says that this should work (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394516(VS.85).aspx). I googled for this quite a while and found other that have this problem too. But I also found a couple of articles which claim that this kind of query (mostly in vbscript) works with XP. But I cannot find some offical information from microsoft for this issue and I can't believe that Microsoft have overlooked this issue for three service packs.

So my question is: has anybody used the Win32_VolumeChangeEvent with success on XP or can provide a link/explanation why it shouldn't work on XP?


"Win32_VolumeChangeEvent .. is found only on Windows Server 2003" - source

Stuart Dunkeld