



I want to add some jQuery functionality to our sites where one piece of markup will have a click handler which will need to cause action to happen on another piece of markup, i.e. A is a trigger for action from B. There's no guarantee about the relative structure of A and B, so I can't rely on a jQuery selector, plus each unique A will need to relate only to its unique counterpart B.

What is the general consensus on the best way to proceed in such a circumstance?

Option 1: Who cares about XHTML compliance, it's overrated anyway. We have untrained web content producers able to inject markup into our site anyway so strict XHTML compliance would be a pipe dream. Just make up tag attributes and read their values with jQuery.

<div class="jquery-feature-trigger" actson="targetID">Trigger</div>

Option 2: Use attributes that look like HTML, but shouldn't really be used for that purpose.

<div class="jquery-feature-trigger" rel="targetID">Trigger</div>

Option 3: Use namespaces like ASP.NET 4.0 is setting out to do.

<div class="jquery-feature-trigger" custom:actson="targetID">Trigger</div>

If you want to recommend Option 3, I would appreciate a link to what is required to get this to work as I really have no idea if a DTD has to be made or how to link it in.

Option 4: The Stack Overflow community has a better idea...???

+1  A: 

Is there any way that you can store the info inside the jQuery data method? Saves cluttering up the markup

For an example see here

or the direct documentation

I have used it a couple of times for storing info about my elements, very useful function that doesn't seem to be know about widely!

Sorry can't post links i'm a new user :(

+1  A: 

Try this:


  <script src="scripts/jquery/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <!--Using highlight effect to illustrate-->      
  <script src="scripts/jquery/jquery-ui-highlight.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#target-" + $(this).attr("id")).effect("highlight", {}, 6000);




 <div class="jquery-feature-trigger" id="1">Trigger 1</div>
 <div class="jquery-feature-trigger" id="2">Trigger 2</div>
 <div class="jquery-feature-trigger" id="3">Trigger 3</div>
 <div class="jquery-feature-target" id="target-1">Target 1</div>
 <div class="jquery-feature-target" id="target-2">Target 2</div>
 <div class="jquery-feature-target" id="target-3">Target 3</div>   


So I have decided to give the target divs the id "target-x" and give the trigger divs the id "x". This way, when you click on trigger x it affects target "target-x".

Notice the line that goes

$("#target-" + $(this).attr("id"))

its at that point that you get the id of the clicked div and concatenate it onto "target-" and that becomes the id of the target div.

Vincent Ramdhanie

And what about putting inside your div hidden inputs with appropriate names and ids? This way you keep XHTML clear. So you will use like that:

$( "div_name").find( "hidden_input_name").val()
Artem Barger
+6  A: 

You could investigate the jQuery Metadata plugin, which can store JSON metadata in the class attribute (or various other places). Example:

<div class="jquery-feature-trigger { actson: 'targetID' }">Trigger</div>
Greg Campbell
This is basically Option 2

I don't know exactly what you're doing, but would it possible to make the trigger be an anchor tag and then give the target an id? Like this:

<a href="#target1">Trigger 1</a>
<div id="target1">Target 1</div>

Then you could use jQuery to find the id of the target by looking at the href attribute.

If trigger 1 hides or shows target 1 or scrolls down to it, this method would have the added benefit of still doing something if JavaScript was disabled.

Matt Ephraim
+4  A: 

I would use data- attributes for this now, in spite of XHTML compliance, like this:

<div class="jquery-feature-trigger" data-actson="targetID">Trigger</div>

These are an HTML5 feature, but don't cause any issues in HTML4/XHTML other than not being valid attributes in the validator...but no actual problems result from this.

jQuery also has added built-in support for these since jQuery 1.4.3 in the .data() methods.

Nick Craver
See also [HTML 5 data- Attributes]( by John Resig
Pavel Chuchuva