Hi guys, I want to access the data associated with the RepeaterItem in which an ItemCommand fired up. The scenario is, I have multiple RepeaterItems which Button controls in which the Command is set declaratively like this:
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater3" runat="server" DataSource='<%# ClientManager.GetClientEmployees(Eval("ClientID")) %>' OnItemCommand="RemoveEmployeeFromClient">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text="(x)" CommandName="RemoveEmployeeFromClient"></asp:LinkButton>
<SeparatorTemplate>,<br /></SeparatorTemplate>
Thye code behind is:
Protected Sub RemoveEmployeeFromClient(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs)
' I want to access the data associated with the RepeaterItem which the Button was clicked.
End Sub
Any tips guys? Thanks in advance!