




Hi all

 foreach (var incident in new DataAccess.IncidentRepository().GetItems().Where(
                    i => (startDate == null || i.IncidentDate >= startDate)
                    && (endDate == null || i.IncidentDate <= endDate)
                    && (shiftId == null || i.ShiftId == shiftId)
                    && (processAreaId == null || i.ProcessAreaId == processAreaId)
                    && (plantId == null || i.PlantId == plantId)))

is there a way I can i.PlantId == plantId not to get added if plantId is null?


+2  A: 
var incident in new DataAccess.IncidentRepository().GetItems().Where(
                    i => i.IncidentDate >= startDate 
                    && i.IncidentDate <= endDate 
                    && i.ShiftId == shiftId 
                    && i.ProcessAreaId == processAreaId
                    && (plantId == null || i.PlantId == plantId)))

Alternatively, you could:

var incidents = new DataAccess.IncidentRepository().GetItems().Where(
                    i => i.IncidentDate >= startDate 
                    && i.IncidentDate <= endDate 
                    && i.ShiftId == shiftId 
                    && i.ProcessAreaId == processAreaId));

if (plantId != null)
    incidents = incidents.Where(i => i.PlantId == plantId);

foreach (var incident in incidents) {
   // ...
Mehrdad Afshari
That makes no sense i.PlantId comes for the database plantId is the parameter passed into the method.
so basicly if plantId == null then i.PlantId should not be added to the where clause.
I dont think this will work.
I added that option too. Both are effectively the same. Refresh to see.
Mehrdad Afshari
in SQL I would do thisWHERE USerId = ISNULL(@UserId,UserId)
It should work. There's no problem in chaining Where clauses. They act like AND.
Mehrdad Afshari
+1 for converting common SQL dynamic parameter "trick" into Linq. ;)
J. Steen
Thats where the problem comes in I will need to have like 50 if statements which is not what I wanted to do. I tought there might be a easy way
The first query is effectively like your `ISNULL` query. The second doesn't send the parameter to the server at all if it's null.
Mehrdad Afshari
So choose the first option. It's the most succinct way out there.
Mehrdad Afshari
var incident in new DataAccess.IncidentRepository().GetItems().Where(
                    i => i.IncidentDate >= startDate 
                    && i.IncidentDate <= endDate 
                    && i.ShiftId == shiftId 
                    && i.ProcessAreaId == processAreaId
                    && object.Equals(i.PlantId, plantId)))
It's not what the OP wants...
Mehrdad Afshari