



I am wondering what is the best way to use properties when dealing with collections.

For example I have a class Foo and I want to have a list of that class stored. Which of the following should be used:

private List<Foo> myList;
private List<Foo> myOtherList = new List<Foo>();

now for the property:

public List<Foo> ListOfFoo
        return myList; 
        myList= new List<Foo>(value); 

Or should the set just be to the value?

public List<Foo> ListOfFoo
        return myList; 
        myList= value; 

It depends.

When the first style is used, you create a copy of the list, which is generally unnecessary. .Net convention is for the setter to assign the reference to the property. This is why I would lean towards the second option.

However, if you are intending for the copy operation to take place, the first option is what you are looking for.

+2  A: 

Generally you don't want to use properties of a rich type like List<T> (normally one would use Collection<T>), and generally properties of a collection type are read-only - the collection itself can be modified with methods like Clear, Add etc., and this is normally sufficient.

For example:

class Foo
    Collection<Bar> _bars = new Collection<Bar>();

    public Collection<Bar> Bars { get { return _bars; } }

This also leaves you open to validate modifications to the collection by implementing a descendant of Collection<T> and overriding the InsertItem, SetItem etc. methods.

Barry Kelly
Although in the general case you may not want to use List<T>, it is perfectly ok to do so. For example, if you have an internal data object.
siz - +1, still I'd use the smallest possible interface to the outside (e.g. IList<>)
peterchen - Collection<T> has a broader, easier to use interface than IList<T>, and Collection<T> can take the IList<T> implementation to wrap as the constructor. IMHO there is no excuse for using IList<T> over Collection<T>.
Barry Kelly
In the case of a public API, yes, I'd use the smallest interface possible. But for a family of data objects that I use to transfer data over a web service, for example, I like the objects to be pretty dump and be able to use the methods in List<T>, especially since I still develop in .net 2.0/3.0 and don't have access to the LINQ extension methods.
+2  A: 


private List<Foo> myOtherList = new List<Foo>();

becuse the other just declares a reference (which is set to null), the sample above declares a reference to a list, creates a list and assignes that new list to the reference.


public List<Foo> ListOfFoo
     get { return myList; }
     set { myList= new List<Foo>(value); }

When you want myList to NOT refelect any changes that happen to the list after it is assigned to myList e.g.

List<string> myFirstList = new List<string>();

List<string> mySecondList = new List<string>(myFirstList); 
// mySecondList now contains Hello & world

// myFrist List now contains Hello, world & Boyo
// mySecondList still contains Hello & world


public List<Foo> ListOfFoo
     get { return myList; }
     set { myList= value; }

When you want both references to point to the same object e.g.

List<string> myFirstList = new List<string>();

List<string> mySecondList = myFirstList; 
// mySecondList now contains Hello & world

// myFrist List now contains Hello, world & Boyo
// mySecondList "also" contains Hello, world & Boyo

The "also" above is in quotes, because actually, there is only one list, and both my first and my second point to the same list.

Binary Worrier

Generally, expose only an Interface (ICollection, IList or similar), and make it readonly:

private IList<Foo> m_list = new List<Foo>();
public IList<Foo> List {get { return m_list; } }

Advantage: You can modify the implementation, e.g. switch from a List to an Observable List. You might need to make the m_list member of the concrete type rather than the interface, e.g. to use additional funcitonality.

With an settable external list, you run into a few problems. However, there are some cases where this is needed:

  • the data can be created externally, and is potentially large, and changes frequently (e.g. tens of thousands of items)
  • the external list should be shared between different instances

Why not use the IEnumerator-Interface on the class and if you have to use a setter, use a certain method.

This way you are hiding the actual List-Implementation as well.

class FooBar : IEnumerator
  private Collection<Foo> col;

  public IEnumarator GetEnumerator()
    return col.GetEnumerator();

  public void SetList(Collection col)
    this.col= col; // you can also make this more general and convert the parameter so it fits your listimpl.

class Clazz
  private void WhatEver(){
    FooBar foobar = new FooBar();
    foreach(Foo f in foobar)