




Q1 Book says that we can choose to share profile information between web application by having profile providers use the same ApplicationName value. But would it also be ok for applications to share roles, or would that represent a security risk?


If ProfileManager.AutomaticSaveEnabled is set to True, then when change is made to any profile data, the ProfileModule will update tables in a database accordingly. When dealing with properties containing simple types, ProfileModule checks IsDirty to determine whether property has changed.

A) Assume Profile.Name already contains value “Irene”, when the program issues the following statement:

Profile.Name = "Irene";

Will Name property be marked as dirty even though same value has been assigned to it?

B) If ProfileManager.AutomaticSaveEnabled is set to True and if property containing complex type is set to read-only, then I assume ProfileManager will realize that and thus won’t try connect with database in order to save this property?


+1  A: 

1) If you're happy with a user having the same roles on both sites, then it's not a problem, and provides simplified management. If you want the users to have different roles on each site, then there's something to be said for seperating it out.

2) Can't say I've tried either scenario, sorry.

Zhaph - Ben Duguid
I appreciate your help