



I know that the map function takes each element of a list (a sequence) and applies a function to it. Recursively (and without respect to termination conditions, etc)

map(s, f) = f(s.head) :: map(s.tail, f)

I am looking for a function that does something like

foo(s, f) = f(s) :: map(s.tail, f).

So a 'mapper' where the mapping function gets called on sublists and not individual elements. In lisp terms, I'm looking for a maplist, as opposed to a mapcar. Does something like this exist, or do I have to roll my own (or use recursion)?

Alternatively, I'd take a function that takes as input a sequence and returns a sequence of mid-to-end subsequences, ie

bar(s, f) = s :: bar(s.tail, f)
+2  A: 

You've basically defined what you're looking for in pseudocode - so it's easy to add such a method to a Scala list using implicit conversions:

object ExtendedList{
  implicit def List2ExtendedList[A](l:List[A])=new ExtendedList(l)
class ExtendedList[A](l:List[A]){
  import ExtendedList._
  def mapList[B](f:List[A]=>B):List[B]=l.length match {
    case 0 => List()
    case _ => f(l)::l.tail.mapList(f)

object Test extends Application{
  import ExtendedList._
  val test = List(5,4,3,2,1)

Is this what you're looking for?

Ben Blackburne
It's O(n) to get the length of a list and your mapList does it n times, for O(n^2) cost. Run this on a large list and you'll be waiting awhile :-)
James Iry
The reason I asked is that I'm new to Scala and wanted to know if there was a built-in canonical function (to make my code more readable to others). Alternatively, I wanted to hear "don't do that, the scala way of doing it is ___"
Yup, I acknowledge using .length is bad - should have thought about it more!
Ben Blackburne
+1  A: 

The other answer is close, but you should never use List#length unless absolutely necessary. In particular, it makes his solution O(n^2) when the problem is inherantly O(n). Here's a cleaned-up version:

implicit def addListSyntax[A](list: List[A]) = new {
  def mapList[B](f: List[A]=>B) = {
    // use inner function to avoid repeated conversions
    def loop(list: List[A]): List[B] = list match {
      case ls @ (_ :: tail) => f(ls) :: loop(tail)
      case Nil => Nil


And, to answer your original question: no, there is no way to do this using standard utility methods. I'm actually a bit curious as to why you would want something like this...

Daniel Spiewak
Be careful here since this version is not tail recursive. Large lists will cause stack explosion.
James Iry
Indeed, that's a huge mistake.
I have a list of sorted timestamps, and I need to map over things like- each timestamp and the y prior timestamps- each timestamp, together with all the timestamps for x minutes preceding it.Again, I know exactly how to code it up in multiple ways (by defining my own mapList, imperatively, using map and then filter inside to generate history, etc) but I wanted to find out how to do this cleanly and the Scala way.
+4  A: 

/* This approach defines mapList in terms of another useful method called tails. Like Daniel, I'll put it in an implicit extension to List, but that's purely a matter of taste */

implicit def richerList[A](list : List[A]) = new {

/* Here's a method called tails which returns each possible tail in the list. It is tail recursive so it won't blow up on large lists. Note that it differs slightly from a Haskell function of the same name. The Haskell version always adds an empty list on to the result */

  def tails : List[List[A]] = {
    def loop(ls : List[A], accum : List[List[A]]) : List[List[A]] = ls match {
      case _ :: tail => loop(tail, ls :: accum)
      case _ => accum

    loop(list, Nil).reverse

/* This is what using tails looks like

scala> "abc".toList.tails
res0: List[List[Char]] = List(List(a, b, c), List(b, c), List(c))


/* Now we can define mapList based on tails */

  def mapList[B](f : List[A] => B) = tails map f

/* And this is what using mapList looks like

scala> "abc".toList mapList (_.reverse.mkString)
res1: List[String] = List(cba, cb, c)


James Iry