



Our company is starting a major re factor of its front end Javascript code. We have decided to use Extjs as a framework and would like to invest in some training for several of our employees. We are mostly looking for Extjs specific material, but some advanced architecture wouldn't hurt. We are happy to fly our employees on location.The problem is that there are just too many options available on the web. Where do you even begin?

+1  A: 

Ext, LLC, stewards of ExtJs, provide Enterprise Training.

Steve -Cutter- Blades
Thanks Steve. We looked into them and they are about $2000 / person for one weekend. Seemed a bit steep, but it may be our only choice.

Hey Ben,

where are you located? How many employees would attend the training? (What is your backend technology?) I have been giving two-day trainings (0.5 day Javascript, 0.5 day Ext JS, 1 day hands-on on Ext JS parts/widgets you most probably will be working with) before and would be happy to do the same for you!

To what are you referring with "there are just too many options available on the web"?

I'm right now located in Valencia, Venezuela (40 min away from Aruba, if you want to be very nice to your employees ;) or any other location would be fine with me.)

Cheers, Steffen

s dot hiller at caprireleases dot com

Ben,let me add this note to make sure you got my point and something helpful out of it:My point is that the official Ext training is not your only choice, you always could look for independent consultants (such as me) that can offer Ext JS training for a lower price, but still high value.Cheers,Steffen

I wish there are more options. We need some training for ExtJS on C#.Net applications. I do not see any published classes except from ExtJS, which are too expensive. We are in Phoenix Arizona. Travel is not usually an affordable option for us, but any delivery over the web would be great.


Hello Naren, Did you ever find a training class located in Phoenix?

Regards, Gabe

Gabe Gabaldon