The HTML looks kind of like:
<img src='Images\Something\expand-close.gif' /> Something 1
<dd>Something 1 Text</dd>
This HTML is repeated 1 or more times so there could be many instances of the HTML on the same page.
The Jquery I am using to expand the dd and replace the image is:
$("dl").find("dt").click(function() {
// toggle the dd
// replace the expand / close image
var img = $(this).find("img");
var src = img.attr("src");
if (src.lastIndexOf("open.gif") != -1)
img.attr("src", src.replace("open.gif", "closed.gif"));
img.attr("src", src.replace("closed.gif", "open.gif"));
This all works fine and does exactly what I need it to do. My question is, can the JQuery function be done better? I am relatively new to using JQuery and this one was a snippet I rattled off. If it could be done better, please explain the changes as I am trying to learn how to write better JQuery code. Any other pointers or suggestions would be appreciated as well.