My javascript code as follows:
BBS.SO = new SWFObject("/Client/Css/sound.swf", "mysound", "1", "1", "8", "#336699");
it used to work,but not now in firefox,but in iE it still works.
Is there such a bug with swfobject?it's a opensource project.
it seems in firefox3,there is a great delay when inserting such an embed into a div element:
<embed id="mysound" height="1" width="1" quality="high" bgcolor="#336699" name="mysound" style="" src="/Client/Css/sound.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
Is it really a bug with firefox3?any work-around?
Or you can check out this testing page,
with IE you'll hear a sound,
but for firefox3 users,it's quiet...