I am Gerhard and I just thinking around a problem, without getting a fine solution uptil now.
Scenario: Users type in complex data (WPF frontend) and persist the data with some OR-mapper into SQLServer. I use OpenAccess by Telerik, my favorit.
But now think about following situation: One nearly finished the work on some use case, but now, some information is missing. because the data he typed in don't fullfill all business rules (required fields may be still empty) he can't save his work.
But unfortunately, he can't get the missing information too. So what' can he do. Discarding the whole work, bad idea, just do nothing than waiting, no good idea.
Now my idea came up. It would be helpful, if the user can 'park' his unsolved problem and just start working on some different use case. And, after he has parked his work, he is able to shut down the system and try to solve it on an other day. ((And by the way, he can continue on an other system)))
But, where starting to serialize? The business object isnt serializable, because it contains some identity info from the ORM. Introducing some intermediat object lets explode assignment statements. UI?
Maybe, someone knows a existing solution, or did have some nice ideas.