The while statement in this function runs too slow (prevents page load for 4-5 seconds) in IE/firefox, but fast in safari...
It's measuring pixel width of text on a page and truncating until text reaches ideal width:
function constrain(text, ideal_width){
var item_width = $('span.temp_item').width();
var ideal = parseInt(ideal_width);
var smaller_text = text;
var original = text.length;
while (item_width > ideal) {
smaller_text = smaller_text.substr(0, (smaller_text.length-1));
item_width = $('span.temp_item').width();
var final_length = smaller_text.length;
if (final_length != original) {
return (smaller_text + '…');
} else {
return text;
Any way to improve performance? How would I convert this to a bubble-sort function?