Hey all. I was fortunate enough to have Paolo help me with a piece of jquery code that would show the end user an error message if data was saved or not saved to a database. I am looking at the code and my imagination is running wild because I am wondering if I could use just that one piece of code and import the selector type into it and then include that whole json script into my document. This would save me from having to include the json script into 10 different documents. Hope I'm making sense here.
$('#add_customer_form').submit(function() { // handle form submit
The "add_customer_form" id is what I would like to change on a per page basis. If I could successfully do this, then I could make a class of some sort that would just use the rest of this json script and include it where I needed it. I'm sure someone has already thought of this so I was wondering if someone could give me some pointers.
Well, I hit a wall so to speak. The code below is the code that is already in my form. It is using a datastring datatype but I need json. What should I do? I want to replace the stupid alert box with the nice 100% wide green div where my server says all is ok.
type: "POST",
url: "body.php?action=admCustomer",
data: dataString,
success: function(){
$('#contact input[type=text]').val('');
alert( "Success! Data Saved");