




I need to reset a MySQL Field value automatically at midnight. It is a specific column in a specific row in a table. I know how to do this in PHP but I do not know how to execute the PHP Script at midnight without someone having to do it themselves. Do you have any viable solutions?

Edit:-------------------- Preferably without using Cron Jobs.

+6  A: 

If you are running on linux you would use a cronjob

On most distros there is a command called crontab that schedules tasks for you and a specific format you need:

0 0 * * * php /path/to/file.php

EDIT: Wrote this before you edited yours :p I'm not sure there is any other way. Do you have a specific reason not to use a cronjob?

You may not even need to specify the php part if the php file is marked as executable i.e

0 0 * * * /path/to/file.php

Just do "chmod +x /path/to/file.php" form the linux command line

+1 for suggesting cronjob
Nadia Alramli
just curious if there is another way to do it. If in the future cron jobs are not available. I have tried to set up a cron job but it seems it cannot find the file. /usr/local/bin/php -q /htdocs/www/mysubdirectory/cron.php I am doing this as seen on http://www.modwest.com/help/kb5-125.html
Chris B.
sorry:/usr/local/bin/php -q /htdocs/www/mysubdirectory/cron.php Is the cron job I am using
Chris B.
have you done a "which" to see if this is true location of PHP on that machine?
what is a "which"?
Chris B.
sorry, "which" is a command on linux/unix that shows the full path of shell commands. So from the command line if you do "which php" it should return the path where php is
+1 for the cron job. or, you can do it by yourself every midnight :)

You could write a job scheduler into your program that runs jobs in a cron-like way. It would require a user to interact with the system to trigger, but it might be good enough depending on your needs. This is much more complicated than just running a cronjob, and does not ensure prefect timing (since it wont run until a user hits a page).

You'd probably need to add a table into you database that would list the job, the time you want them done, and a locking flag to avoid concurrent attempts to run the job. Each time your script runs, you'd check this table for overdue jobs and run them as needed.

This is what I am trying to avoid in the first place. Thank you though.
Chris B.
Then I think you're back to cron.

Asking how to reliably set off a script at the same time every night without cron (or a scheduled task, on Windows) is like asking how to make a dynamic website without a server-side language.

If your app absolutely relies on a script running exactly at midnight, cron is a requirement. If your users have a hosting company that (stupidly) does not permit cron, they're going to be out of luck.

+1  A: 

There are web based cron services too. Basically you set up an account and then they visit an URL of your choosing at a regular interval. On your server you set up a page that does what you need to get done. Preferably give it a unlikely-to-find-name like myjob789273634ahhh8s2nhw8sghusgf874wfu.php. You get the idea. (Remember that PHP-scripts timeout after like 30secs.)

Here's a google search: **oops I'm new so I can't post URL apparently. Just search for "web based cron".

Good luck /0

"Remember that PHP-scripts timeout after like 30secs.)" You can counter this with set_time_limit(0);