



Is there a way, in VB.NET, to output the current line number in the source code? For example:

    ' The following line will purposly cause an error
    Dim BigNum As Int64
    Dim LittleNum As Int16 = CShort(BigNum)
Catch ex As Exception
    Dim LineNumber As Integer = <linenumber> ' How do I do this?
    MessageBox.Show("Error in source code. Line: " + LineNumber)
End Try

Is there any way to fill the LineNumber variable in the example above with the actual line number in the source code that caused the error?


The line number will be in the Exception's stack trace already. I think it even shows in a simple ex.ToString.

Daniel Straight
+2  A: 

This should do the job:

Dim stackTrace = New System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex)
Dim stackFrame = stackTrace.GetFrame(stackTrace.FrameCount - 1)
Dim lineNumber = stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber()

Note that GetFrame(stackTrace.FrameCount - 1)) gets the first frame pushed onto the stack. In this case, this is the frame containing the current try-catch block, which is what you want. See the MSDN docs for more info.)

Thank you. This looks like its exactly what I was looking for!
Glad to help. Unless you have any further queries, would you mind accepting it as answer?
I tried it out, but the StackFrame contains no information (GetFileName returns Nothing and GetFileLineNumber returns 0). Did I miss something?
Fredrik Mörk
@Fredrik: It definitely works. You must however be running in debug mode with symbols loaded - insure that that is the case.
Running debug with symbols loaded; it surprised me that I didn't get it to work since this was the solution that immediately came to my mind as well. Probably some issue with my environment though, I would suspect, I trust your solution to work.
Fredrik Mörk
@Fredrik: Yeah, that sounds quite unusual. Indeed it is probably some issue specific to your environment.