




It seems the value of most technology has depreciated to 'nothing.'

Is it that the cost of developing supposed "technology" has been drastically lowered to where it is a commodity for the taking?

Is it that the sum of all human knowledge is now readily available for study (Internet)?

The software I write at work seems to be valuable in a very vertical market sense, but it's not anything that couldn't be undertaken by someone else.

What is the value of software?

+2  A: 

42 .

Baaaaaaaaad answer. :( Overused. In fact it reinforces the point of my post.
So that means "What is the value of software?" is the ultimate question? Damn, we got shafted…
It's a completely arbitrary value with a vast number of interpretations and rationalisations. Just like the value of any given software product, in any given environment, to any given party.
In other words, what is the value of saying '42' when everyone and their brother knows about the origin of the '42' and can give the same answer. The value is that it's supposed to be a joke. The same applies to software.
Very poor comments.
bahaha, so fail
Carson Myers
Ask a poor question, get poor comments. :-)
+3  A: 

Some software seems like nothing special, but nobody had done it until the author(s).

Some software is just amazing, yet someone else gained market dominance first and therefore it languishes in obscurity.

Some software is decent enough to work, but someone poured huge amounts of money into marketing and PR, and they take the world by storm.

I could go on an on. But why?

The value of a thing is the price that thing will bring. That's all.

Can you give an example of taking the world by storm?
Microsoft Windows?