Ctrl+w Ctrl+i and :stj is nice, but how do I jump to a tag (under the cursor) in a new tab in GVim/Vim?
Similar question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539231/how-to-use-multiple-tabs-when-tagging-to-a-function-in-vim
It points out this wiki (which points back at stackoverflow) with these settings (seems to work ok in terminal, haven't tried gvim):
" Function: Open tag under cursor in new tab
" Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563616/vimctags-tips-and-tricks
map <C-\> :tab split<CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" Function: Remap keys to make it more similar to firefox tab functionality
" Purpose: Because I am familiar with firefox tab functionality
map <C-T> :tabnew<CR>
map <C-N> :!gvim &<CR><CR>
map <C-W> :confirm bdelete<CR>
2009-05-25 22:54:30
That first link contained the magical `nmap <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T` which was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
2010-03-02 21:05:42