I'm having a problem using OLDEDB from C# to write entries into an excel file. Essentially I want to use an excel template file for formatting some information. The idea is that users can run a query, it'll populate the results into an excel file, where the user can then continue to use excel to maniulate the results.
To do this, I create a "raw_data" tab and use OLEDB to write to it like a table. However I'm running into a problem where the preset calculations. Some columns are text, others are numbers and forumals should reference these columns as soon as the sheet is opened.
Excel Version 2003 C#/.Net 3.5
Here's my connection string
string connectString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={filename};Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=0""";
{filename} get's replaced later in the code with the path to the file
DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.OleDb");
using (DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
connection.ConnectionString = connectString;
using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
query = "INSERT INTO [raw_prod$] (correlationid, created, ipaddr, nai, started, delta, csid, bytesin, bytesout, cause, bsid, servopt, svzone) VALUES (\"{correlationid}\", \"{created}\", \"{ipaddr}\", \"{nai}\", \"{started}\", {delta}, \"{csid}\", {bytesin}, {bytesout}, {cause}, \"{bsid}\", \"{servopt}\", \"{zone}\")";
//Replace {} code with actual values skipped
command.CommandText = query;
When this run's the data get's populated as expected, but excel treats the data as text, so stuff like sum(c2:c100) don't work. If I simply highlight an entry and hit enter, it will automatically become text. I tried formatting the column to number in the template, and as you can see I remove the double quotes in the sql.
How can I get excel to treat these entries as numeric right off, so that all the calculations will work?