Hi, I'm generating ics files ( iCalendar or RFC 2445 or however you call them) using a library that serializes the ical contents into a MemoryStream, or actually any type of stream.
Here's my chunk of code:
public ActionResult iCal(int id) {
MyApp.Event kiEvt = evR.Get(id);
// Create a new iCalendar
iCalendar iCal = new iCalendar();
// Create the event, and add it to the iCalendar
DDay.iCal.Components.Event evt = iCal.Create<DDay.iCal.Components.Event>();
// Set information about the event
evt.Start = kiEvt.event_date;
evt.End = evt.Start.AddHours(kiEvt.event_duration); // This also sets the duration
evt.Description = kiEvt.description;
evt.Location = kiEvt.place;
evt.Summary = kiEvt.title;
// Serialize (save) the iCalendar
iCalendarSerializer serializer = new iCalendarSerializer(iCal);
System.IO.MemoryStream fs = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
serializer.Serialize(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
return File(fs, "text/calendar", "MyApp.wyd."+kiEvt.id+".ics");
My problem is that fs contains some content, but the controller returns empty file - with proper mimetype and filename. I'm most probably missing something with the stream handling but can't figure out what.
Can anybody help me out here? Thanks in advance.