In WPF, where can I save a value when in one UserControl, then later in another UserControl access that value again, something like session state in web programming, e.g.:
Customer customer = new Customer(12334);
ApplicationState.SetValue("currentCustomer", customer); //PSEUDO-CODE
Customer customer = ApplicationState.GetValue("currentCustomer") as Customer; //PSEUDO-CODE
Thanks, Bob, here is the code that I got to work, based on yours:
public static class ApplicationState
private static Dictionary<string, object> _values =
new Dictionary<string, object>();
public static void SetValue(string key, object value)
if (_values.ContainsKey(key))
_values.Add(key, value);
public static T GetValue<T>(string key)
if (_values.ContainsKey(key))
return (T)_values[key];
return default(T);
To save a variable:
ApplicationState.SetValue("currentCustomerName", "Jim Smith");
To read a variable:
MainText.Text = ApplicationState.GetValue<string>("currentCustomerName");