




I want to access the display properties of the client desktop in silverlight application and modify the application layout according 2 the ones set on client machine. When we right click on desktop and choose properties we get display properties dialog. i want to access appearance and theme properties from this. i hv to retrieve the appearance properties like font, theme etc and apply them in my silverlight application. I am also not sure whether this can be done in a normal web application.

Tried to google it but could find anything except code for resizing. But I want to access not only the screen width and height but the appearance settings also.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks :)


No way. This is private data that should not be exposed to any other domains.


Not sure if this applies to Silverlight, but check out this question regarding different styles based on the current windows theme.

As far as the width/height, unless your running your silverlight app in fullscreen, what should be more important is the browser window width/height as that will not always be the same size as the screen itself. You should be able to google for code for how to get the browser window width/height rather easily.

Jason Miesionczek

The Silverlight sandbox prevents access to the client machine. You could try using a ActiveX control to expose the data to the silverlight control or you could use a WPF browser app with elevated trust permissions.

Jacob Adams

you can use javascript to get height and width , and send those values as startup params to silverlight application


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