



How do you declare, set properties, synthesize, and implement an int array of size 5 in Objective C? I'm writing this code for an iphone app. Thanks.


You shouldn't use int in this case if you want to use an array. Use NSNumber and put those 5 NSNumbers into an NSMutableArray.

@interface testClass: NSObject {
     NSMutableArray* numbers;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* numbers;
-(id)initWithValue:(NSNumber *)initialValue;

@implementation testClass
@synthesize numbers;
-(id)initWithValue:(NSNumber *)initialValue {
     numbers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
     [numbers addObject:initialValue];
     return self;

Is the code for the interface and implementation with synthesize(not tested BTW). What are you trying to accomplish?

Good quick intro

Thanks for the quick response. The reason I wanted to use an array of ints is that I am trying to store 5 random/unique numbers between 1:1000 and I wanted an easy structure to check if each subsequent int is unique. It seems like this will be much more difficult using NSMutableArray. What do you suggest?
Ahh, so maybe in a for loop you check if intArray[i] == intArray[i-1] then fail? It is certainly more overhead using the objc objects, it may just be better to use int[]. Can you keep the integer array as a local variable in the method you are generating the numbers? Or do you need it to be an accessible property of the class?
I want it to be an instance variable because the class is part of the model in a MVC. However, would the extra overhead be significant if the size is only 5?
+7  A: 

I think the "Cocoa-y" thing to do is hide the int array even if you use it internally. Something like:

@interface Lottery : NSObject {
    int numbers[5];

- (int)numberAtIndex:(int)index;
- (void)setNumber:(int)number atIndex:(int)index;

@implementation Lottery

- (int)numberAtIndex:(int)index {
    if (index > 4)
     [[NSException exceptionWithName:NSRangeException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Index %d is out of range", index] userInfo:nil] raise];
    return numbers[index];

- (void)setNumber:(int)number atIndex:(int)index {
    if (index > 4)
     [[NSException exceptionWithName:NSRangeException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Index %d is out of range", index] userInfo:nil] raise];
    numbers[index] = number;
That's overkill. Use a C array.
Roger Nolan
How would I do that? I think that is what I've been meaning to do originally with the int array.
That *is* using a C array, Roger. But it removes all the hassle of memcpy and low-level details that don't really belong in a Cocoa interface.
doh, I'll wear the idiot hat today. Look before you postwould also be a good thing to write on my hat.
Roger Nolan

I have a class variable:

NSInteger myInt[5];

So that I could use the normal myInt[1]=0 syntax in my code, I created a property that returns an integer pointer:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger *myInt;

Then created the following getter method:

-(NSInteger *) myInt {
  return myInt

Now I can use something like class.myInt[1]=0;

Well, I don't know for sure this works, but it seems to. I just thought I'd put this out there if someone else wants to try it.

Ernie Thomason