




I have a MySQL table of correlation data that I need to extract. I am running this query to find the correlation between x and y given the id; however, I need to run x.id=1 against y.id=2, 3, 4, 5... Currently, I am just running the below command multiple times for each pairing. Is there a way to speed up the query so that I can just run the query once like the second equation?

SELECT @correlation := (COUNT(x.value)*SUM(x.value*y.value) -
  sum(x.value)*sum(y.value))/SQRT((COUNT(x.value)*SUM(x.value*x.value) -
  sum(x.value)*sum(x.value))*(COUNT(y.value)*SUM(y.value*y.value) -
  sum(y.value)*sum(y.value))) AS correlation 
FROM tbl_expressions x, tbl_expressions y 
WHERE x.id=1 AND y.id=2 AND x.expressionnumber=y.expressionnumber;

SELECT @correlation := (COUNT(x.value)*SUM(x.value*y.value) -
  sum(x.value)*sum(y.value))/SQRT((COUNT(x.value)*SUM(x.value*x.value) -
  sum(x.value)*sum(x.value))*(COUNT(y.value)*SUM(y.value*y.value) -
  sum(y.value)*sum(y.value))) AS correlation 
FROM tbl_expressions x, tbl_expressions y 
WHERE x.id=1 AND y.id IN (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) AND x.expressionnumber=y.expressionnumber;

I want the result to be something like this:

but right now the query only outputs one row (the correlation between x.id and the last y.id)


if you're using MySQL 5.0 and up, you may want to consider stored procedures to handle some of that stuff....

also, have you considered subqueries? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/subqueries.html

Or get the data and do calculations within code...
I looked into stored procedures, in particular stat-pmcc-samp in mysqludf but it did not work for my table.
Jack L.
I tried getting the data and doing the calculations in code and it was actually slower than performing the queries.
Jack L.

It's hard to answer this because it's not clear from your description what you need the query to do.

But I would guess that you might be able to use GROUP BY to achieve what you want. I'm sorry I can't show an example because I can't tell what you intend the result to be.

Bill Karwin
thanks this worked when I appended GROUP BY y.id
Jack L.