



I have two Sql Servers (two distinct databases, (i.e. two machines)) with the same structure. Is there a way to do a SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM TableOnServerA Union SELECT * FROM TableOnServerB)?


+1  A: 
SELECT * FROM serverA.database.owner.TableName
SELECT * FROM serverB.database.owner.Tablename

assuming that they are setup as linked server, use books online and go to "linked"

+5  A: 

Yes, just set them up as linked servers and then fully qualify the names in the form of LinkName.DatabaseName.SchemaName(dbo).TableName

Joel Coehoorn
Does it work with SQL Server 2005?
But be wary--setting up linked server definitions can get pretty tricky.
Philip Kelley
Yes, it works with SQL Server 2005, and in my experience it's been pretty straight-forward. Just a matter of getting the permissions right on the account you use and (usually) remembering to set up the link in both directions.
Joel Coehoorn

You could create a Linked Server or use OPENROWSET to connect to other SQL database.


You can run a query relating two different machines adding one machine via the sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure. You run it in the database server instance where you will want to execute the query (or on both if you want to execute the query in any server), like this

use master
exec sp_addlinkedserver 
@provider='SQL Server'

The you can run

select * from AnotherServer.database.dbo.table t1 join database.dbo.table t2 on ( =

Vinko Vrsalovic

Incidentally if they are on two different servers and you are sure the data is not duplicated use union all, it will be much faster. Also never use select *,specify the field names. Other wise it will break if someone adds a column to A but not to B (or rearranges teh columns in B but not A) I would also add a column indicating which of the two servers the data came from, especially if they might have the same id number but attached to different data (which can happen if you are using autogenerated ids). This can save no end of trouble.