



I would like to show divs at a specific interval (10 seconds) and show next div and as go on and repeat the same.


Sequence :

** On 10th second show div1 , hide other divs ,
After 5seconds interval Show div 2 and hide other divs,
After 5 seconds interval Show div 3 and hide other divs,
and repeat the same for every 10 seconds.

Code Follows:

<div id='div1' style="display:none;"> 
  <!-- content -->

<div id='div2' style="display:none;"> 
  <!-- content -->

<div id='div3' style="display:none;"> 
  <!-- content -->
+1  A: 

See InnerFade.

<script type="text/javascript">
    speed: 'slow',
    timeout: 10000,
    type: 'sequence',
    containerheight: '220px'

<ul id="portfolio"> 
  <a href=""&gt;
   <img src="images/ggbg.gif" alt="Good Guy bad Guy" />
  <a href=""&gt;
   <img src="images/whizzkids.gif" alt="Whizzkids" />
  <a href=""&gt;
   <img src="images/km.jpg" alt="Königin Mutter" />
  <a href=""&gt;
   <img src="images/rt_arch.jpg" alt="RT Hybride Archivierung" />
  <a href=""&gt;
   <img src="images/tuev.jpg" alt="TÜV SÜD Gruppe" />
+6  A: 

Working Example here - add /edit to the URL to play with the code

You just need to use JavaScript setInterval function


$(function() {

  var timer = setInterval( showDiv, 5000);

  var counter = 0;

  function showDiv() {
    if (counter ==0) { counter++; return; }

      .filter( function() { return'div' + counter); })   
    counter == 3? counter = 0 : counter++; 



and the HTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body { background-color: #fff; font: 16px Helvetica, Arial; color: #000; }
.display { width:300px; height:200px; border: 2px solid #000; }
.js .display { display:none; }
<h2>Example of using setInterval to trigger display of Div</h2>
<p>The first div will display after 10 seconds...</p>
<div id='container'>
<div id='div1' class='display' style="background-color: red;"> 

<div id='div2' class='display' style="background-color: green;"> 

<div id='div3' class='display' style="background-color: blue;"> 



In response to your comment about the container div, just modify this


to this

$('#div1, #div2, #div3')
Russ Cam
Russ Thanks for the quick reply to the post. In your example it shows we need to have a div container and in to that we need to have other divs.. But my divs are not inside to an container its seperate. how to modify the code accordingly ?
do you have access to modify the HTML? If so, I would suggest wrapping the divs in a container div for context and ease of selection. Without a container div, the code would need to be modified to select only those divs in question i.e. divs with ids 1, 2 and 3. I'll update my answer now
Russ Cam
Ya makes sense i can have it in a container div for better clarity.Russ tell me can we show another div (named : div_sub1) at the time of displaying div1 and subsequently.Will the same code can be resued ?
Sure. There's a number of ways of tackling that scenario, you could use an attribute match on the id to show div_sub1 at the same time as div1, you could chain it onto the visibility of div1, to name a couple of solutions.
Russ Cam
P.S. I have also provide a solution to your other question using an anchor to toggle showing different divs -
Russ Cam
Russ for an understanding can you explain what this line does .filter( function() { return'div' + counter); }) Thanks.
the $('div','#container') selector selects all divs in the context of the element with container id. Then all of the matched elements are hidden, then we want to filter the matched elements to only elements whose id matches 'div' + the value of counter (in this case, only one element will match) and then show the filtered elements
Russ Cam
Thanks Russ . I have accepted this as an answer :)
+2  A: 

Loop through divs every 10 seconds.

$(function () {

    var counter = 0,
        divs = $('#div1, #div2, #div3');

    function showDiv () {
        divs.hide() // hide all divs
            .filter(function (index) { return index == counter % 3; }) // figure out correct div to show
            .show('fast'); // and show it

    }; // function to loop through divs and show correct div

    showDiv(); // show first div    

    setInterval(function () {
        showDiv(); // show next div
    }, 10 * 1000); // do this every 10 seconds    

Alexander Ulizko
+1  A: 

here is a jQuery plugin I came up with:

$.fn.cycle = function(timeout){
    var $all_elem = $(this)

    show_cycle_elem = function(index){
        if(index == $all_elem.length) return; //you can make it start-over, if you want
        setTimeout(function(){show_cycle_elem(++index)}, timeout);

You need to have a common classname for all the divs you wan to cycle, use it like this:


Same question for me,now im using InnerFade.


I have a question regarding Russ Cam's solution.I'm trying to place my content inside any of the div1,div2,div3 <div id='div2' class='display' style="background-color: green;"> <div class="column1">...</div>... </div> but for some reason it won't show up.I can only have clear text inside <div id='div1,2,3'>.What could be the problem?


Hi Russ,

This solution works perfect for my requirement. Thanks!!! Could you please let me know why is there a 10 second delay initially. Is it possible to avoid it. I looked through the script and was not able to figure out why it would do it. I changed .show('fast') to .show() and still could see the delay. Could you please point me out how to handle this? Thanks in advance.

Regards, Raj
