



Suppose I have a simple XHTML document that uses a custom namespace for attributes:

<html xmlns="..." custom:xmlns=""&gt;
    <div class="foo" custom:attr="bla"/>

How do I match each element that has a certain custom attribute using jQuery? Using


does not work. (Tried with Firefox only, so far.)

+1  A: 

look here

basically its $('div').attr('custom:attr')

I clarified my questin: I want to match each element that has a custom attribute, not get the value of the attribute.
Sebastian Rittau
+8  A: 

JQuery does not support custom namespaces directly, but you can find the divs you are looking for by using filter function.

// find all divs that have custom:attr
$('div').filter(function() { return $(this).attr('custom:attr'); }).each(function() {
  // matched a div with custom::attr
  $(this).html('I was found.');
I feared something like that. Thanks!
Sebastian Rittau
+6  A: 

This works in some conditions:


However, for a more advanced method, see this XML Namespace jQuery plug-in

The namespace plug-in is a dream.
+1  A: 

the syntax for matching by attribute is:

$("div[customattr=bla]") matches --div customattr="bla"--

$("[customattr]") matches all tags with the attribute "customattr"

with namespace attributes like 'custom:attr' its not working

Here you can find a good overview:

Suphi Basdemir

OK, so now of them works for me. I am trying to do the same thing, I have gone thru all the similar articles on stackoverflow n over the internet but it doesnt work for me.

I am able to access all the default attributes easily but I am not able to grab the custom attribute.

in the .ascx page I have elements that has a custom attribute:

<input id="update_title" type="text"  value="update title:"
                    data-helpid="3" style="width:270px;" />

and then in the javascript attached to the Master page I have

  $("[data-helpid]").each(function() {

I have tried many variabtions of it but it doesnt seem to work. What am I missing?
