In order to handle settings for different deployment targets, I moved application settings from app.config to its own file and included that file in app.config via configSource. I also created a settings file for each target.Here is an illustration:
Project A
app.config (references settings.config)
During post-build, I copy the appropriate settings.{configuration}.config to the output directory. This is working fine so far and I can see settings.config file in the project output directory containing settings for the current build configuration: Release, Debug, etc.
However, I am having a problem with the setup project that I have for this project (Project A). Initially, it was not including settings.config file. So I set the build action for settings.config file as Content and I added content files from Project A to the setup project. This ensured that settings.config file was included in the setup. However, since the setup project appears to be picking settings.config file from the project directory instead of the output directory, settings.config file included in the setup is not what it should be. I want the one from the output directory to be included in the setup program since that one is the correct one for the current build configuration. I tried the following:
- Added settings.config as a file to the setup project. However, it seems like I can only specify absolute path. So when I add it from the output directory of a particular build configuration (..bin\debug\settings.config), it does not work in other build configuration since (..bin\debug\settings.config) does exist in the directory specified. I looked into using relative paths or dynamic paths in the setup project where the build configuration could be specifed as part of the path but I could not find anything.
I considered using pre-build event to actually modify settings.config file in the project directory and then have it copied over the output directory by setting its 'Copy to Output Directory' to copy always or copy if newer. This should ensure that the appropriate settings.config is copied to the output directory just like the post-build based solution and should also ensure that the contents of settings.config file is updated before the setup project includes it. However, I don't like this solution because I would have to make sure settings.config file is writeable before I can make any changes since it is source controlled. If it is readonly, then I need to flip it to writeable, make changes, and then set it to readonly again. It is adding extra complexity.
I was wondering if anyone has a better idea or knows a setup project trick that allows me to include settings.config file appropriate for the current build configuration in the setup program.