I need help making this method generic. It is repeated about ten times to get lists for different web list controls (substituting "MyType" for the type used in the particular control).
private static IList<MyType> GetList(RequestForm form)
// get base list
IMyTypeRepository myTypeRepository = new MyTypeRepository(new HybridSessionBuilder());
IList<MyType> myTypes = myTypeRepository.GetAll();
// create results list
IList<MyType> result = new List<MyType>();
// iterate for active + used list items
foreach (MyType myType in myTypes)
if (myType.Active || form.SolutionType.Contains(myType.Value))
// return sorted results
result.OrderBy(o => o.DisplayOrder);
return result;
Let me know if this isn't enough information. I think this requires more advanced language features that I'm just getting acquainted with. Maybe I should make them all use the same repository?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: Thanks for your help. I don't have any peer support, so this board is fantastic and I learned something from each of you. I wish I could accept all the answers.