The point of using decimal (128 bits) over double (64 bits) and float (32 bits) isn't usually to do with the size. It's to do with the base. While double and float are floating binary point types, decimal is a floating decimal point type - and it's that feature that lets it represent numbers like 0.1 exactly where float/double can't.
There's no conceptual reason why we couldn't haven't a 64-bit decimal type, and in many cases that would indeed be enough - but until such a type comes along or you write it yourself, please don't use the "shorter" (and binary floating point) types of float/double for financial calculations. If you do, you're asking for trouble.
If you're suggesting writing a storage type which can convert to/from decimal and is still a floating decimal type, that sounds like a potentially good idea even without it being able to do any calculations. You'll need to be very careful when you think about what to do if you're ever asked to convert a decimal value which you can't represent exactly though. I'd be interested in seeing such a type, to be honest. Hmm...
(As other answers have indicated, I'd really make sure that it's the numbers which are taking up the memory before doing this, however. If you don't need to do it, there's little point in introducing the extra complexity speculatively.)