Hello, I am watching a video about [LINQ][1] and came across a problem. In this video, Mike uses some custom attributes for database name and that does not work for me.
My code (which works fine):
class MyContext : DataContext
public MyContext(string conStr) : base(conStr)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyContext ctx = new MyContext("server=.;database=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=SSPI");
ctx.ExecuteCommand("insert into _table (a, b) select {0}, {1}", "5", "B");
Console.WriteLine("That's it!");
How I'd like it to be (notice the missing database parameter in creating of the object ctx and additional custom attribute for database name before the class MyContext):
class MyContext : DataContext
public MyContext(string conStr) : base(conStr)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyContext ctx = new MyContext("server=.;Integrated Security=SSPI");
ctx.ExecuteCommand("insert into _table (a, b) select {0}, {1}", "5", "B");
Console.WriteLine("That's it!");
This throws exception 'invalid object name _table', just like I wouldn't define any database name. Am I missing something? It's my first time using custom attributes,...