Since LinqToSql has been replaced by the Entity Framework, is the Entity Framework out yet?
+1 Though I have to say that the OP should have maybe spent 5 seconds to google that one. Just a suggestion.
2009-05-29 01:21:54
Ah, but now this question will probably be the top result for his query
Garry Shutler
2009-05-29 07:58:18
Linq to SQL is not going to be replaced but to answer your other question, Entity Framework V4 Beta 1 is available to MSDN subscribers. Entity Framework for .NET 3.5 is part of .NET 3.5 SP1.
2009-05-28 17:08:18
Your link is to the version of the Entity Framework that goes with VS 2010 and .Net 4.0. The current Entity Framework version is a fully supported non-beta release.
2009-05-28 17:10:33
Any idea why Scott Hanselmann said Linq2Sql is not dead in Mix09 ??
2009-05-28 17:27:40
Because it's not dead. They're just not adding anything to it. Like COM is not dead, the registry is not dead, NTFS is not dead, FAT32 is not dead, the color blue is not dead, and .NET 2.0 is not dead.
Jeff Yates
2009-05-28 17:36:56
Fixed this to be correct (.NET 3.5 SP1 includes 1st version of Entity Framework, also .NET 4 Beta includes the next version).
2009-06-04 12:16:20
But further enhancement and support fo Linq to SQL is no longer available...
Usman Masood
2009-06-04 12:31:55