When using ASP.net webforms my usual solution would have following type of setup -
- MyCompany.MyProject.Presentation.MyWebFormsApp (asp.net web forms )
- MyCompany.MyProject.Service.MyServieLayer (WCF/Web Service)
- MyCompany.MyProject.Business.MyBusinessLogicLayer (class project)
- MyCompany.MyProject.DataAccess.MyDALayer (class project/Linq2SQL/NHibernate == DataModel)
- MyCompany.MyProject.DataTransferObjects.MyDomainLayer (class project)
- {whole bunch of test projects}
When using ASP.net MVC, I have used this kind of solution breakdown -
- MyCompany.MyProject.Presentation.MyMVCApp (ASP.net MVC project)
- MyCompany.MyProject.DataAccess.MyDALayer (class project/Linq2SQL/NHibernate == DataModel)
- {whole bunch of test projects}
Question In an AP.net MVC setup how do I wire up my DomainObjects/DTO/POCO and the WCF/Web Service layers?? Do I lose out on any features if I want to keep the solution like I used for WebForms??