




The title pretty much says it all. I'm using a RFT, VS addin that allows me to edit a proprietary data file with a GUI. The problem is that this file doesn't show up in VS and when I start editing it via the GUI, VS doesn't check it out automatically (probably a bug of the VS addin). So, I've to check it out manually before editing it, otherwise the addin will crash when trying to save the file (because it is read-only), and sometimes will also corrupt the local working copy of this project. Everything would be much easier if TFS didn't mark the file not checked out as read only. Do you know if there is a way to instruct TFS to keep all the files as not read-only?

+2  A: 

No. You can exclude it from source control, but that's probably not want you want.

Chris Lively
OK... bummer :)

Well you can get latest to a samba share, which eats the readonly bit.


feel the same pain too, the way TFS handle version control sucks. but i still have to use it.

Kevin Yang
+1  A: 

I have the same issues with TFS. Our project has a few small SQL Server database files that we have chosen to put under source control. We handle the read only issue by adding these to the post build statement on the project build. I suppose we could have done this pre-build as well.

attrib $(TargetDir)*.mdf -r

attrib $(TargetDir)*.ldf -r
