What is the best way to solve this problem in code?
The problem is that I have 2 dollar amounts (known as a pot), that need to be allocated to 3 people. Each person gets a specific amount that comes from both pots and the rates must be approximately the same. I keep coming across rounding issues where my allocations either add up to too much or too little.
Here is a specific example:
Pot #1 987,654.32
Pot #2 123,456.78
Person #1 gets Allocation Amount: 345,678.89
Person #2 gets Allocation Amount: 460,599.73
Person #3 gets Allocation Amount: 304,832.48
My logic is as follows (Code is in c#):
foreach (Person person in People)
decimal percentage = person.AllocationAmount / totalOfAllPots;
decimal personAmountRunningTotal = person.AllocationAmount;
foreach (Pot pot in pots)
decimal potAllocationAmount = Math.Round(percentage * pot.Amount, 2);
personAmountRunningTotal -= potAllocationAmount;
PersonPotAssignment ppa = new PersonPotAssignment();
ppa.Amount = potAllocationAmount;
foreach (PersonPotAssignment ppa in person.PendingPotAssignments)
if (personAmountRunningTotal > 0) //Under Allocated
ppa.Amount += .01M;
personAmountRunningTotal += .01M;
else if (personAmountRunningTotal < 0) //Over Allocated
ppa.Amount -= .01M;
personAmountRunningTotal -= .01M;
The results I get are as follows:
Pot #1, Person #1 = 307,270.13
Pot #1, Person #2 = 409,421.99
Pot #1, Person #3 = 270,962.21
Pot #1 Total = 987,654.33 (1 penny off)
Pot #2, Person #1 = 38,408.76
Pot #2, Person #2 = 51,177.74
Pot #2, Person #3 = 33,870.27
Pot #2 Total = 123,456.77 (1 penny off)
The Pot Totals should match the original totals.
I think I may be missing something or there may be an extra step that I need to take. I think I am on the right track.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.