I need some advice about thickbox, please! I've just follow the example in thickbox inline but I couldn't load the content of the div in my page as I wanna. My html code and jquery code like that. Any suggestion for my problem?
var artistname = $(this).attr("title");
var artist = "<embed hspace=\"5\" vspace=\"5\" ";
artist += "src=\"http://abc.vn/res/music/passion/MP3_Player.swf\"";
artist += "menu=\"false\" quality=\"high\" width=\"330\" height=\"338\"";
artist += "name=\"index\" allowScriptAccess=\"never\" type=\"";
artist += "application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\"";
artist += "flashvars=\"&config=http://abc.vn/res/music/passion/MP3_Config.xml&amp;";
artist += "file=http://abc.vn/listsong.hightway?artist=" +artistname+ "\"";
artist += "wmode=\"transparent\" border=\"0\"></embed>";
<a class="artist" title="singer's name" rel="#TB_inline&inlineId=tooltip_artist" href="/singer's name">singer's name</a>
Thank you for your attention!