Hello Stack Overflow,
I have been trying many different ways to solve this problem from this forum and from many others. I can't seem to find a solution to this problem or any documentation that will give me a straight answer.
I wondered if you could have a look at it for me.
I've got a database with the following tables participant_scores leagues rounds
I am currently able to display the scores of a single round, one round at a time... which is exactly how I want it. But I also want to display the score that each participant got for all rounds. Lets say we have 2 rounds. I want the output on my results screen to look something like this:
Currently viewing league 20, Round 1 of 2:
User Name | Score | Total Score
Tom | 10 |
200James | 50 | 300
username - the participant's name score = the score for this current round total score = all of the round scores for this league added together.
My Mysql query is below. Apologies for the messyness of it, I've rewritten it about 100 times and this current way is the only way that works fully.
>> league_participants_query (mysql)
participants.participant_id, # ID - used for functions
participants.participant_name, # NAME
participants.participant_gender, # Participant info
classes.class_name, # Class name
schools.school_name, # School name
participant_scores.participant_score, # Participant score
FROM participant_scores, participants, classes, league_schools, schools, leagues, rounds
# filter leagues
WHERE leagues.league_id = 51
AND rounds.league_id = 51 # the current league we are viewing
AND rounds.round_id = 25 # the current round of the league we are viewing
# filter league schools
AND participant_scores.round_id = 25 # the current round of the league we are viewing
# filter schools allowed
AND league_schools.league_id = 51 # the current league we are viewing
# Filter schools
AND schools.school_id = league_schools.school_id
# Filter classes
AND classes.school_id = schools.school_id
AND classes.year_group_id = leagues.year_group_id
# Filter participants
AND participants.class_id = classes.class_id
# Filter participant_scores
AND participant_scores.participant_id = participants.participant_id
GROUP BY participants.participant_id