don't write to the remote server in the trigger.
- create a local table to store rows that need to be pushed to the remote server
- insert into this new local table in the trigger
- create a job that runs every N minutes to insert from this local table into remote server.
this job can run a procedure that can test for the connection, and when it is back up, it will handle all rows in the new local table. It can process the rows in the local table this way:
declare @OutputTable table (RowID int not null)
insert into my_linked_server.remote_database.dbo.myTable remoteTable(...columns...)
INTO @OutputTable
SELECT ...columns...
from NewLocalTable
delete NewLocalTable
from NewLocalTable n
inner join @OutputTable o ON n.RowID=o.RowID
EDIT based OP comment
after inserting into this new local table start the job from the trigger (sp_start_job), it will run in its own scope. If you can't use sql server jobs, use xp_cmdshell to execute the stored procedure (lookup SQLCMD or ISQL or OSQL, I'm not sure what you have). still schedule the job every N minutes, so it will eventually run when the connection comes up.