I was a happy customer of Google Analytics starting from the Urchin times. But something strange happened a few months ago and GA started showing a fake URL called "(other)" that is credited between 5% and 45% of all site traffic. I've tried filtering out some URL parameters to reduce the number of pages. Currently GA shows only 150,000 pages on my site, which is well below the half million limit that some people are talking about. Still, the page "(other)" is showing as the most popular page on my site.
Is anybody else struggling with this issue? I am wondering whether this could be a scalability issue. My site has been growing over the years, and currently doing 1.25 million unique monthly visitors and over 10 million pageviews. The site itself has around half a million pages. If you are successfully using GA with a bigger website than mine, please share your story. Are you using the Sampling feature of their tracking script?