




I am trying to look for a SQL table by name and if it exists drop it. This all needs to be done in C# using SMO.

To complicate it a bit more the table also has a schema other then "dbo".

Ultimatly the table will be recreated via SMO (I have this working) but I have to make sure it is not there before I can recreate it.

All of the examples that I have seen seem to be creating and then dropping the table all in the same context. In my case the table will have been created and populated in a previous session.



First question is, why can you not drop and recreate with DDL?

And in answer to your question:

Table table = new Table(myDatabase, "MyTable", "MySchema");
Thank you for your answer. I have actually gone down the same route but different path: myTable.Schema = "MySchema"The table structure itself is determined on the fly by parsing an XML schema.
+1  A: 

Couldn't you just wrap your DROP TABLE statement in a try/catch block, and discard any errors that occur?

Anyway, the sql to determine if a table exists is:

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[TableName]') AND type in (N'U'))
Robert Harvey
It goes against my grain to use errors for program flow control. Thanks for the response.
Well, couldn't you use the IF EXISTS I provided to check first, if you don't like the Try/Catch?
Robert Harvey