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Good JavaScript Books?

Hi All, Please suggest a Good Javascript Book(including JSON).Thanks

+10  A: 

one of the most famous is Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The good Parts
see the comments at for more recommendations of this book.

Jonathan Fingland
Darn it... beat me to it ! +1
+1 - It's not only a great JS book, but a great CS book. Incredibly dense, worth reading a few times.
Ryan Doherty
Also definitely worth watching his YUI Theater presentations.
Jonathan Fingland
And it contains a chapter about JSON.
Török Gábor
This text is from Chapter one. After reading this I decided to read this book.Most programming languages contain good parts and bad parts. I discovered that I could be a better programmer by using only the good parts and avoiding the bad parts. After all, how can you build something good out of bad parts?
Muhammad Kashif Nadeem
No question this is one of the very nice work done.
Anil Namde
+1  A: 

Javascript: the Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. Good explanations and walkthrough of the features that are under-used.

Jeff Meatball Yang
+4  A: 

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide


I would definitely recommend Pro JavaScript Techniques is written in nice narrative way, which makes it easy and fun to read. Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja on MEAP is also a nice read, has good javascript reference in the end.


Peter-Paul Koch's "ppk on JavaScript" looks good. However, I'm not sure whether or not it covers JSON.


Steve Harrison

For JQuery (the powerful javascript framework): JQuery in action

Thomas Stock