I'm only a beginning Haskell programmer (and the little Haskell I learnt was 5 years ago), but for a start, I'd write the natural translation of your function, with the accumulator ("the current paragraph") being passed around (I've added types, just for clarity):
type Line = String
type Para = [Line]
-- Takes a list of lines, and returns a list of paragraphs
paragraphs :: [Line] -> [Para]
paragraphs ls = paragraphs2 ls []
-- Helper function: takes a list of lines, and the "current paragraph"
paragraphs2 :: [Line] -> Para -> [Para]
paragraphs2 [] para = [para]
paragraphs2 ("":ls) para = para : (paragraphs2 ls [])
paragraphs2 (l:ls) para = paragraphs2 ls (para++[l])
This works:
*Main> paragraphs ["Line 1", "Line 2", "", "Line 3", "Line 4"]
[["Line 1","Line 2"],["Line 3","Line 4"]]
So that's a solution. But then, Haskell experience suggests that there are almost always library functions for doing things like this :) One related function is called groupBy, and it almost works:
paragraphs3 :: [Line] -> [Para]
paragraphs3 ls = groupBy (\x y -> y /= "") ls
*Main> paragraphs3 ["Line 1", "Line 2", "", "Line 3", "Line 4"]
[["Line 1","Line 2"],["","Line 3","Line 4"]]
Oops. What we really need is a "splitBy", and it's not in the libraries, but we can filter out the bad ones ourselves:
paragraphs4 :: [Line] -> [Para]
paragraphs4 ls = map (filter (/= "")) (groupBy (\x y -> y /= "") ls)
or, if you want to be cool, you can get rid of the argument and do it the pointless way:
paragraphs5 = map (filter (/= "")) . groupBy (\x y -> y /= "")
I'm sure there is an even shorter way. :-)
Edit: ephemient points out that (not . null)
is cleaner than (/= "")
. So we can write
paragraphs = map (filter $ not . null) . groupBy (const $ not . null)
The repeated (not . null)
is a strong indication that we really should abstract this out into a function, and this is what the Data.List.Split module does, as pointed out in the answer below.