




Is there a step-by-step guide for updating the Indy 10 components in Delphi 2009?

I've read the uninstalling thread and have the latest build (IndyTiburon.zip). However there appears to be no installation instructions.

If you have accomplished this, please share the details.

Edit: I have managed to get the packages installed by messing with the "requires" section in dclIndyProtocols120 and dclIndyCore120.

Essentially removed all Indy package dependencies from "requires" section and just used the Library path resolve things. Added ..\Lib\Core, ..\Lib\System and ..\Lib\Protocols to the Lib path. Had to leave dclIndyProtocols120 in requires for dclIndyCore120 as it wont install without this.

All 3 packages compiled (including IndySystem120) and seems to be working okay now.

This should be easier for D2009 users. I had to update to resolve an SMTP bug in Indy (see link).


For all versions before D2009 you can use a Fulldx.bat script to recompile the packages and then just open the BPL files in (for example Indy-10.5.5\D6\dclIndyCore60.bpl and Indy-10.5.5\D6\dclIndyProtocols60.bpl) in the Delphi 2009 IDE packages dialog. Now with Delphi 2009, the FullD12.bat is there but it is not doing anything.

My simple solution is to create Indy components at run time only. I add the Indy Tiburon Core, System and Protocols to the projects search path, and also use Apache Ant with a build script to run the compiler for the final build.

Yes,FullD12.bat does nothing. I've opened and compiled IndySystem120.dpk okay, but that's a far as I get. IndyCore120 wont compile and complains that IndySystem120 cannot be found.
makeD12.proj in the Lib directory looks interesting, but I get error messages if I run it in the RAD command line window. However, it contains references to the neccessary packages - you could try to build these in the same order: System\IndySystem120, Core\IndyCore120, Core\dclIndyCore120, Protocols\IndyProtocols120, Protocols\dclIndyProtocols120
@Gerard, in the IndyCore120 file, look for required, and change the path for the required IndySystem120 to where it's located.

One IIRC needs to compile system core and protocols in that order.

Moreover a package is a .BPL and a .DCP. So you probably would have to copy the .bpl and the .dcp to that directory in a normal case. The .BPL is what programs need to run, but to compile something that uses the .BPL (statically) you also needs the .dcp.

But that doesn't work for the Indy caseafaik because it also needs includefiles, so you need to add all their paths to the library path.

IIRC is that Delphi (at least the versions that I know) don't add directories to paths when installed, and one must always add paths to directories with .dcp or .dcu's manually.

(contrary to Lazarus that builds a list of dirs from the installed packages. But partially that is maybe also a fix for not having something akin .dcp yet, and in generally be more source oriented)

Note that I don't have D2009, it is just experience from general manual Indy compilation.

Marco van de Voort
Indy works fine in Delphi 2009 with only the dcu path (<myIndyTiburon>\D12) in the library path here. I add Indy to the source path only if I build using a build script, to avoid the risk of out-of-date dcu's.
Give all packages the same dcu target dir to avoid that.
Marco van de Voort

On this question there is a more satisfying answer.