How do I get a maximium daily value of a numerical field over a year in MS-SQL
4This would query the daily maximum of value over 2008:
, max(value)
from yourtable
where '2008-01-01' <= datecolumn and datecolumn < '2009-01-01'
group by datepart(dayofyear,datecolumn)
Or the daily maximum over each year:
, datepart(dayofyear,datecolumn)
, max(value)
from yourtable
group by datepart(year,datecolumn), datepart(dayofyear,datecolumn)
Or the day(s) with the highest value in a year:
Year = datepart(year,datecolumn),
, DayOfYear = datepart(dayofyear,datecolumn)
, MaxValue = max(MaxValue)
from yourtable
inner join (
Year = datepart(year,datecolumn),
, MaxValue = max(value)
from yourtable
group by datepart(year,datecolumn)
) sub on
sub.Year = yourtable.datepart(year,datecolumn)
and sub.MaxValue = yourtable.value
group by
Something like
SELECT dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,datetime)) as day, MAX(value)
FROM table GROUP BY dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,datetime)) WHERE
datetime < '2009-01-01' AND datetime > '2007-12-31'
Assuming datetime is your date column, dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,datetime)) will extract only the date part, and then you can group by that value to get a maximum daily value. There might be a prettier way to get only the date part though.
You can also use the between construct to avoid the less than and greater than.
You didn't mention which RDBMS or SQL dialect you're using. The following will work with T-SQL (MS SQL Server). It may require some modifications for other dialects since date functions tend to change a lot between them.
DATEPART(dy, my_date),
my_date >= '2008-01-01' AND
my_date < '2009-01-01'
DATEPART(dy, my_date)
The DAY function could be any function or combination of functions which gives you the days in the format that you're looking to get.
Also, if there are days with no rows at all then they will not be returned. If you need those days as well with a NULL or the highest value from the previous day then the query would need to be altered a bit.
Group on the date, use the max
delegate to get the highest value for each date, sort on the value, and get the first record.
select top 1 theDate, max(theValue)
from TheTable
group by theDate
order by max(theValue) desc
(The date field needs to only contain a date for this grouping to work, i.e. the time component has to be zero.)
If you need to limit the query for a specific year, use a starting and ending date in a where
select top 1 theDate, max(theValue)
from TheTable
where theDate between '2008-01-01' and '2008-12-13'
group by theDate
order by max(theValue) desc