When executing the second line of this code Rhino Mocks throws an InvalidOperationException with a message "This action is invalid when the mock object is in replay state"
var mockScanner = MockRepository.GenerateMock<PortScanner>(null);
mockScanner.Expect((scanner => { scanner.Scan(null, null); }));
Stepping through the code in a debugger one can see the debugger run the method defined in the class and directly after control leaves this method the exception occurs.
This similar code in another test does work without issue
var mockView = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IScanView>(null);
mockView.Expect(view => { view.Close(); });
var controller = new ScanController(mockView);
The only difference that I can think of that might be of any consequense between theese two tests is that Exit is a member on an interface while Scan is a virtual member on a class
What am I missing?
Further exploration has indicated that this is related to the way Rhino handles virtual methods. I am focusing mmy study of the documentation here now