I have mainly worked in small teams or as solo developer and I am now working in a team of two working in-house maintaining a suite of business applications. There are bugs and as the system is 14 years old there is a lot legacy code and so one of the projects I am tasked with is to bring the application up to date so we are working on a re-write. The business moves on though and there are major changes that come up every few months as well as business support such as ad-hoc reporting, proof of concepts etc.. On top of this we are the dba team, look after and second line support. Oh yeah and I project manage too.
So hopefully I've painted the picture that we as a team are busy. Infact it is getting past the point where I think we need another pair of hands. My reasoning:
- Projects are not moving forward. (The rewrite takes second place as there is no immediate business value.
- The db needs severe refactoring (performance is an issue in some areas - but looking at this has been postponed as there is no quantifiable business benefit)
- Each project that is started has to be cut short and so we are accruing huge technical debt.
- As a result of which we are constantly fire fighting,
- We are creating more applications to cover more of the business process all the time. As a result there is more to support.
I've tried to break things down into iterations and to be as agile as possible but the problems are still there and I feel they are getting worse.
So my question is how do you quantify how many developers you need in a team? What sort of things can I go to my boss with and ask him for more help?