



The RichTextEdit control in .net does 99% of what I need to do for my application, except for a few little things: 1) I want to disallow pasting/dragging images into the control 2) When text is pasted/dragged into the control, I want to reset its style to the control's default

As far as I can work out, Microsoft hasn't provided any type of "no images" property on this control that you can use, which would be ideal.

My thought was that I could respond to the "textChanged" event then remove the image and/or reset the text style before it gets rendered to the screen. Of course this would be a total hack. For one thing, the user's drag&drop mouse icon would indicate that images are droppable and they really aren't.

To make a long question short, is there a way to set a filter on what type of data types a RichTextEdit control can import via Copy&Paste and Drag&Drop?