




I often find myself removing and adding XML sections in configuration files:

  • tomcat's server.xml
  • maven's settings.xml

and many others.

Is there a vim plugin/command to make this simple?

+1  A: 

Best it'd be if you'd find a command that adds things in the beginning and end of the selection.

When I'm commenting python code, I'm doing this:

Thanks for the answer, it does point me in the right direction. But how would I go about appending '<!--' to the first row and prepeding '-->' to the last one?
Robert Munteanu
vim macros make this easy, by either using the '< and '> marks that go with visual selections, or moving the cursor from one end of the visual selection to the other with "o"
+2  A: 

You can use a combination of matching XML tags, as can be seen in this question and Perl's search and replace.

For instance, given this snippet:

<TypeDef name="a">
  <ArrayType high="14" low="0">
    <UndefType type="node">

Put the cursor on either the opening or closing TypeDef and type the following sequence:


v - puts you into visual mode
at - selects the whole XML tag
:s/^\(.*\)$/<--\1-->/ - surrounds each line with '<--...-->', the comment delimiters for XML

Alternatively, you can just delete it like this:


d - delete according to the following movements
at - as before

Nathan Fellman
Thanks for the answer, it looks good. Unfortunately XML is not escaped with '#'. How would I go about appending '<!--' to the first row and prepeding '-->' to the last one?
Robert Munteanu
Your update is very insightful.I can then use vat:s/-->// to delete comments.Thank you.
Robert Munteanu
+3  A: 

Vim doesn't have smart commenting for all file types by itself. You should get a script for your commenting needs.

I use the enhcomentify script which has been around and maintained for a long time


It seems to do xml well and you get the advantage of the same key bindings for any filetype you are using.

There are others.. notably the NERD Commenter


+2  A: 

use surround.vim for general tag matching, deleting, inserting, surrounding etc,

For commenting tags, it is easy to use vim text objects & and a simple macro



vmap ,c <esc>a--><esc>'<i<!--<esc>'>$

somewhere suitable, then place your cursor at the capital "A" of "ArrayType" on line two of the following (borrowed from Nathan Fellmans example above)

<TypeDef name="a">
  <ArrayType high="14" low="0">
    <UndefType type="node">

then hit


and you will get:

<TypeDef name="a">
  <!--<ArrayType high="14" low="0">
    <UndefType type="node">

with your cursor at the end of the comment

+2  A: 


I think that adapting this vim tip might be useful.

I propose adding:

" Wrap visual selection in an XML comment
vmap <Leader>c <Esc>:call CommentWrap()<CR>
function! CommentWrap()
  normal `>
  if &selection == 'exclusive'
    exe "normal i-->"
    exe "normal a-->"
  normal `<
  exe "normal i<!--"
  normal `<

to your .vimrc

Then, with a visual selection active (V), hit \c (backslash then c) to wrap your block in <!-- --> XML-style comments.

Alternatively, as suggested on the wiki you can put the code in ~/.vim/scripts/wrapwithcomment.vim and add to your .vimrc:

au Filetype html,xml source ~/.vim/scripts/wrapwithcomment.vim

to only load that functionality when working on a html or xml file.
