with linq to sql(dbml file), how to get the size of a datatype?
for an example, varchar(50), how to get that 50?
with linq to sql(dbml file), how to get the size of a datatype?
for an example, varchar(50), how to get that 50?
You could grab the string (ex: "NVarChar(30)") from the ColumnAttribute associated with the property.
var prop = typeof(User).GetProperty("FirstName");
var attr = (ColumnAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnAttribute), false)[0];
string dbType = attr.DbType;
int index = dbType.IndexOf("(") + 1;
int width = int.Parse(dbType.Substring(index, dbType.IndexOf(")") - index));
You can also do it like this...
String databaseType =
.DataMembers.First(x => x.Name.Equals("ColumnName"))
Hope that helps :)