



Hi, is it possible to call C++ code, possibly compiled as a code library file (.dll), from within a .NET language such as C#?

Specifically, C++ code such as the RakNet networking library

Would really appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers on how to do this/point me in the general direction to get started doing this and I can do the further reading up on my own :)



Sure is. This article is a good example of something you can do to get started on this.

We do this from C# on our windows mobile devices using PInvoke.

Mat Nadrofsky
+4  A: 

I'm not familiar with the library you mentioned, but in general there are a couple ways to do so:

  • P/Invoke to exported library functions
  • Adding a reference to the COM type library (in case you're dealing with COM objects).
Mehrdad Afshari

The technology used to do this is called "PInvoke", you can search for articles on the subject. Note that it is for calling C from C#, not C++ so much. So you'll need to wrap your C++ code in a C wrapper that your DLL exports.

Frank Schwieterman

Yes, it is called P/Invoke.

Here's a great resource site for using it with the Win32 API:

Dana Holt
+3  A: 

P/Invoke is a nice technology and it works fairly well, except for issues in loading the target dll. We've found that the best way to do things is to create a static library of native functions and link that into a Managed C++ (or C++/CLI) project that depends upon it.

I've had issues with callbacks and p/invoke. Switching over to C++ / CLI has addressed these issues.
+4  A: 

One easy way to call into is to create a wrapper assembly in C++/CLI. In C++/CLI you can call into unmanaged code as if you were writing native code, but you can call into C++/CLI code from C# as if it were written in C#. The language was basically designed with interop into existing libraries as its "killer app".

For example - compile this with the /clr switch

#include “NativeType.h” 

public ref class ManagedType
     NativeType*   NativePtr; 

     ManagedType() : NativePtr(new NativeType()) {}
     ~ManagedType() { delete NativePtr; }

     void ManagedMethod()
      { NativePtr->NativeMethod(); } 

Then in C#, add a reference to your ManagedType assembly, and use it like so:

ManagedType mt = new ManagedType();

Check out this blog post for a more explained example.


You can write a P/Invoke signature for each function you want to use.

You can use SWIG to generate P/Invoke signatures.

Or you can use managed c++ to call the wrapper and compile the managed c++ into a managed DLL and then add it as a reference.

Or you can use IJW in managed code - look into this one it might be the simplest,

You cannot call static libraries (.lib), only dynamic (.dll) from managed code via P/Invoke.
